Friday 14 February 2014

Various Kinds of Criminal Law

About what penalties may be imposed against a person who has been guilty of violating the provisions of the law of criminal law , in Article 10 of the Criminal Code prescribed various penalties that may be imposed , as follows :

Principal Penalties
The death penalty , the death penalty , there are countries that have abolished this form of punishment , such as the Netherlands , but in Indonesia itself punishment mat
i still sometimes enacted for some punishment even though there are many pros and cons to this punishment .

Prison sentence , imprisonment itself is divided into life imprisonment and imprisonment while . While a minimum prison sentence of 1 year and a maximum of 20 years . Convict shall stay in prison during sentencing and shall do the work inside and outside the prison and inmates have no rights Vistol .

Imprisonment , this condition is not as severe punishment imprisonment and imposed because of minor crimes or violations . Usually condemned can choose between imprisonment or a fine . The difference with a prison sentence of imprisonment is the imprisonment of the convicted person can not be detained beyond the place where they live if he does not want while on a prison sentence of imprisonment can be anywhere, forced labor imposed on the prison inmates heavier than the work to be performed by convict confinement and sentenced to confinement has Vistol rights ( the right to improve the lot ) while the prison sentence is not the case .
Penalty , in this case the convicted person may choose between fines to imprisonment . The maximum penalty is confinement replacement 6 Months .

Cover punishment , this punishment imposed by arbitrary political reasons against people who have committed crimes punishable with imprisonment by the Criminal Code .

Additional Penalties
Additional penalty can not be imposed in isolation but must be included in the principal penalties , additional penalties are:

  1. Revocation of certain rights .
  2. Foreclosure certain items .
  3. Announcement of the judge 's decision .

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